September 18


Italian Fashion

By Rick

September 18, 2013

Ciao a tutti!

Well, after pontificating just last week on the importance of bloggers posting regularly and consistently, I now have to admit that I’ve got nothing this week.  Niente!  It’s not that I’ve nothing to say—on the contrary.  But between the blog redesign, the new bambina, and everything else on my plate, I simply ran out of time.  And the truth is that I enjoy writing these posts too much to rush through them.

However, one of the other things taking up my time recently has been penning my next little guide to Italian culture.  When I write on these subjects, it’s always my intention to examine certain elements of Italian society as they relate to their overall cultural contribution.  For example, I’m certainly no expert on regional Italian cuisine, but my book Eat Like an Italian attempts to explain the role of food and eating habits within the culture at large from the perspective of an inquisitive foreigner.

Lessons from Italian Fashion and Style

Italian fashion, dress like an Italian Likewise, my latest effort, Dress Like an Italian, discusses the iconic Italian style as a cultural phenomenon.  Again, I’m not a fashion expert, but I’m intrigued by the fact that every Italian seems endowed with a sense of style and good taste.  But similar to what I discovered with the food, Italians themselves seem unaware that they possess this knowledge.  Incredible.  I only wish that I had been born so “ignorant.”

This little guide is short and sweet—only about 30 pages of concentrated fashion wisdom. (Ha!)  I’ve decided to offer it for free here on my blog, at least for now.  I just ask that you enter your email address to verify that you’re a real person in need of some couture advice and not a spam-bot who cares little for physical appearances.  And of course I promise that your information will never be shared with anyone else and you’re free to remove it whenever you like.

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About the author

Living in the Caput Mundi and trying to decipher Italian culture for the English speaking world.

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