May 9


FCI 001 – Introduction to The Fatal Charm Of Italy Podcast With Rick Zullo

By Rick

May 9, 2015

The Fatal Charm of Italy PodcastIn a post that I wrote at the beginning of the year, one of my stated “resolutions” for 2015 was to start an Italy podcast. It has taken me a little longer than expected, but at last I’ve fought my way through the learning curve and have created an audio version of my silly blog.

That’s not to say that I’m done writing—far from it; the written word will always be my preferred method of communication. But I’ve discovered that this podcasting thing might be kind of fun once you get the hang of it. (Not that fun yet—I’ll let you all know once I get the hang of it.)

My Podcast About Italy

In this first episode, I mostly just introduce myself, and I explain the title that I’ve chosen for my little show. It’s called, “The Fatal Charm of Italy,” and it’s borrowed from a quote by Erica Jong who asks the questions, “What is the fatal charm of Italy? What do we find here that can be found nowhere else?”

Then she answers her own question by offering, “I believe it is a certain permission to be human, which other places, other countries, lost long ago.”

I like it, because it sort of describes what foreigners find appealing about Italy without pandering to worn out sentimentality and overly romantic clichés, which, quite frankly, get tiresome in a hurry.

In the following episodes of my Italy podcast, I’ll be talking to folks who are experts in various facets of Italian culture—usually from the expat perspective, but sometimes from the Italian perspective, as well. Language, food, history, politics, art…it’s all fair game.

I’ll also be soliciting inquiries from readers and podcast listeners, and I’ll use them for topics of future episodes. I’m installing a widget called “SpeakPipe” that will allow anybody to leave me a voicemail question to be answered via podcast. Go ahead, give it a try below!

So please bear with me while I work this all out. At the very least, you might get a good laugh at my expense.

In the meantime, check out the introductory episode (and see if you catch my “Freudian Slip,” when I meant to say that Italians are very “fashion” conscious).

Then I’ll be back in a couple of days for my conversation with Maria Pasquale from “Heart Rome” and “Eating Italy” about traditional Roman cuisine.

Until then,  Ciao!

(And click the link to check out other episodes and see my list of the best podcasts about Italy.)

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About the author

Living in the Caput Mundi and trying to decipher Italian culture for the English speaking world.

  • Great addition to your offering Rick. My wife and i are leaving Scotland on 20 May for a six week tour around Italy starting in Napoli and visiting Basilicata, Client, Umbria, Veneto, Toscana and ending up in Lazio before departing from Roma on 1st July. Our intention is to listen to your forthcoming podcasts in our hire car. Keep up the good work.

    We particularly appreciate the insight of expats over there for a different perspective from the traditional tourist viewpoint. Have you checked out Helen Langford’s blog for a tongue in cheek British expat’s view?

    • Thanks for your kind words! And it sounds like you have a wonderful itinerary planned.

      Yes, I am indeed a follower of Helen’s blog, as well as on Twitter. Love her perspectives.

      Enjoy your trip! Rick

  • Looking forward to future podcasts. Not following any particular theme should make things much more interesting. BTW – I like your use of sarcasm without actually being irreverent. Very clever! Buon giornata! Earl

    • Grazie, Earl! Oh, I occasionally descend into irreverent…but I’m always remorseful when I do! Anyway, this podcasting thing feels a little more personal than writing, so maybe I’m changing my tack a bit. Ciao!

  • Since i have no idea how to even listen to a podcast and do not have anything to listen to it on that I know of (no cell phone or i-pad or whatever) I guess I will miss out on the info. Label me disappointed. I hop you will still keep writing.

    • Of course I will, Joan! But you can listen to it right on your computer. There’s a player at the bottom of the page. Ciao!!

      • Ciao
        OK I found the link and listened. It sounds like it will be interesting, but what do you mean by subscribe? Do I have to do something besides cllick on the link? I will give it a try, but at the risk of sounding (silently) whiney, I prefer reading. I would make one critical comment and that is at times you talk too fast for “old ears,” a pair of which I own. You used a couple of Italian expressions that I know but couldn’t understand them right away.
        Since I read the blog you plan to highlight next, I’m sure I will find it interesting.
        A presto,
        PS Plans are underway for my 14th or 15th trip to Italy (and always Rome, where I will arrive on December19. Can’t wait.)

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