One of the cool things about a blog is that it’s sort of a “living” document; a dynamic relationship between a writer and his/her readers. This interaction obviously influences, if not dictates, the evolution of the content. Consequently, the topics that I now discuss are not the same as the ones that I wrote about a year ago. For example, back then I was enthusiastically documenting my battle against the evil forces of Italian bureaucracy. I don’t talk about that much anymore because, alas, they have won. I’m not too proud to admit defeat. Indeed, my former quixotic passion now looks laughable, almost quaint, with the benefit of hindsight.
Another topic that I’ve sort of put aside concerns my job of teaching English in Rome. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy discussing it from time to time. But based on reader comments and feedback, the larger cultural topics seem to engage (or enrage) more people. So that’s where my blog is at right now. But the truth is, teaching English in Rome is a lot of fun and still one of the few jobs (maybe the only one these days) that is relatively easy for a non-Italian to find.
Along the way, I published my strategies in a little eBook which, to my great surprise, has actually abetted a good number of people in the same folly. Successfully, in fact! (Depending on how you define success, of course.) So, being the magnanimous soul that I am, I’ve decided to post an excerpt from that book here in honor of my one year anniversary as a blogger. That, and the fact that I had no other material ready for my self-imposed deadline. OK, here it is…
Teaching English in Rome
Rome presents a unique opportunity because it is a large international city in a country that has a history of poor English instruction in the school system compared to the rest of Europe. In general, their citizens are highly educated—just not in languages. So when they graduate from university, they find themselves with an excellent education in their chosen field, but without the one absolutely necessary skill to compete in the international job market. English. Consequently the proliferation of English schools in the last decade or so has opened up a huge market for native speakers.
One of the first questions is usually, “Do you really need to get certified?” My answer would be no, you don’t need to, but it sure helps give you a head start on the learning curve. The classic T.E.F.L. certification course is an intensive four-week, on-site program which combines classroom instruction with how-to-teach practical exercises. A good school will incorporate live teaching with real students as part of this training. Your instruction will include a review of English grammar, language acquisition theory, phonetics, lesson planning, and classroom techniques for different types of situations (adult vs. children; large class vs. small groups).
There’s also a “shortcut” to T.E.F.L certification that’s not a bad alternative for some. It is an online, self-paced course that still results in a genuine certificate after successful completion. I know, it sounds a bit shady, but really it’s not. It’s a perfectly legitimate option, especially for those who already feel comfortable teaching, or at least speaking in front of others. You’ll still cover all of the topics that are discussed in the live course, but online and at your own speed. Obviously, you’ll miss the opportunity to practice what you’re learning in front of an actual classroom, but you’ll still learn the most essential material for teaching English.
It’s worth mentioning that for most new English teachers, the grammar review is much more difficult than you’d anticipate. As native speakers, we know our language intuitively and never really give notice to sentence structure or verb tenses. And even if we do understand the basics of grammar, few of us can actually explain them to another person—especially when that person doesn’t speak our language very well (or at all) in the first place. Therefore, in my opinion, the grammar review is often the most valuable part of the T.E.F.L. certification process. It makes you much more confident when clarifying a subtle point to a student.
You’ll notice that the average online course only costs about $200-300, whereas the full on-site course costs upwards of $1,400. That’s a huge savings, obviously, and I’m not sure that you get an additional $1,200 of value for the extra money. However, going through the classroom experience is fun. You make friends, learn from experienced teachers, and get a real “feel” for what it’s like to teach English in Italy. An added benefit is that you also start to make some contacts for job hunting (although finding a job is the least of the challenges).
I’ve come across another option which strikes me as a great compromise. Check out the website Teaching English in Italy and you can find out the whole scoop on this intensive weekend certification course in Florence. It’s 20 hours of classroom time and you’ll learn onsite from qualified instructors. They do it six times a year and the price is extremely reasonable at only 195 euros. The next available dates are November 29th – December 1st. Make a week out of it and spend some time in Florence, too!
Making a European Standard C.V.
Regardless of your level of training or experience as a teacher, it is a good idea to make a European C.V. for yourself. Include all of your job history, even if it doesn’t relate to teaching. And Italian employers are big on titles and degrees, so put down anything that sounds impressive, even if it really isn’t. If you have a university degree—and I’m talking about a four-year bachelor’s degree—you can call yourself Dottore or Dottoressa in Italy. Do not hesitate to do so, because it will send the message that you are a serious person. In any case, it’s unlikely that they’ll give your C.V. more than a cursory glance; the person who reads it may not even speak fluent English his/herself and they’ll mostly just use it for your contact information. Still, embellish it as best as you can (without actually fibbing, of course) in order to “fare una bella figura,” to make a good impression.
There are some differences between the European C.V. and the standard American résumé. First of all, it should contain a photo. Second, include your age and marital status and other personal information. They can, and will, ask you these even though it would be considered politically incorrect in the States. Don’t fight it; just put it on your C.V. from the get-go. That said, the style or format of you C.V. isn’t that big of a deal and it will NOT make a difference in whether you get the job. Mostly it will be based on 1) if they like you; 2) if they happen to need teachers at the moment.
So here’s the link to the European C.V. template. Just do it in English and don’t bother having it translated into Italian. You’re applying for a position as an English teacher, after all.
Types of Teaching Jobs Available
Private Language Schools
This category, with all its sub-variations, offers the most opportunities and so we’ll focus the bulk of our discussion on this option. There are literally dozens of private schools around the city, each constantly scrambling to fill up their classrooms, and then scrambling to find teachers to do the job. Needless to say, some companies are better to work for than others. In a country where “relaxed” business practices are often the norm, language schools have a particularly bad reputation for being difficult to work for. The most common complaint is getting them to pay you on time and/or for the full amount that they owe you. I’ve been lucky; I’ve only heard about this sort of thing second hand. But believe me, it exists. With the large number of schools out there, there are still plenty of really good schools to work for and you do NOT have to accept disrespectful treatment from anyone.
When working for a private school, they may either have you teach in the actual classroom on site, or they may send you out to work at the business place of a client. Often, you’ll be asked to do a combination of the two.
Teaching in the actual classrooms is nice because you can go there and settle in for the day and your students will come to you. Also, you’ll have the benefits of having the staff on hand to assist you when needed, as well as supplemental teaching materials and equipment at your disposal such as a copy machine.
The classes themselves will likely vary in both size and level. They can have up to 15 students or they can be one on one. In any case, you’ll be paid an hourly wage for the number of hours that you teach…NOT for the number of hours that you’re at the school. In other words, if you’re there from 9-5, but only teach four, one-hour classes, you’ll be paid for four hours, not eight. This is an industry-wide standard, so you’ll just have to accept it.
The good schools, however, will do their very best to compress your schedule as much as possible so that you don’t have a lot of dead time. Still, you’ll be “at work” for some hours that you won’t get compensated for. It should also be mentioned that it is unlikely that you’ll actually work 9-5 in this scenario. More likely you’ll work 8-2 or 4-9 or something like that. In fact, you’re schedule will probably vary depending on the day of the week. Some schools also have Saturday hours, which new teachers will be asked (maybe required) to teach.
A growing trend, however, is for the schools to “outsource” you directly to corporate clients. These can be government agencies, private banks, international corporations, or any other company that does business within the European community or abroad. A nice thing about this for the teacher is that it generally is a consistent 9-5 schedule. Also, the students are very educated and motivated. The downside is that this may require some amount of travel time, since the lessons will not be at the school. As a compensation for this, most reputable schools will give you a travel allowance in addition to your hourly wage.
As I said, working for a private language school offers the most opportunities as well as the ability to get started immediately (if they hire you, you’ll likely be asked to start right away). But it’s not for everyone.
Giving Private Lessons
This might be a good route for anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit and a willingness to work a little harder. If done efficiently, this is the most lucrative way to go. But you’ll have to do everything yourself: find your own students, plan all the lessons, collect the money, schedule and confirm appointments, deal with tardiness/absences, etc. If it sounds like a headache, well, it is. Also know that most individual private lessons will be after work (6 p.m. to 10 p.m.), Monday through Thursday, or on Saturday mornings. Make sure that you’re O.K. with that schedule before you choose this option.
“What’s the upside?” you may ask. The two major advantages are freedom and money—freedom because you can pick and choose your students to your liking and money because you can charge twice as much as you’d make at a school. But this is a bit deceiving because by working for yourself, you’ll be putting in a good bit of time outside of the lessons, and so when you calculate your hourly wage, it doesn’t really seem like you’re making that much more money on a per hour basis.
How to Look for a Job
So what’s the best way to search for a job? In the U.S., we’re very much acclimated to the electronic job search these days. Emails with attachments are the standard. You can also use this approach in Italy, although don’t expect the same degree of interaction. Here’s a few websites to get started:
There are general job sites (,,, TEFL-specific sites (, and sites specific to Rome. Many of the sites that I recommend for apartment hunting can also be used for job hunting. I’ve noticed that is particularly good for English teaching jobs. Also check expat notice boards such as Expats Living in Rome on Facebook. The general TEFL-specific sites are O.K., but you’ll have to wade through the hundreds of jobs being offered in East Asia in order to find the handful that are offered in Rome.
A few more:
However, a better method—and the one that I use—is simply sending out an individual email to each school that you are interested in working for. Don’t worry too much if they’re hiring or not hiring—trust me, they’re all hiring at various times throughout the year. Send out 8-10 queries initially and then wait a few days to see who responds, at which point you’ll be asked to present yourself in person for an interview. The first time that I did this I got two job offers right away and another one a few weeks later. The other seven didn’t even bother to reply.
A much better approach, if you want to be more proactive, is to print out some C.V.s and deliver them by hand to a few selected schools. This will give you a chance to “sell yourself,” and also prove to them that you’re currently living in Rome and ready to work.
Now go out there and find a job! In bocca al lupo!
Hey Rick,
Like your site and I’m interested in teaching in Rome. I have a bachelors degree and have taught Music for five years. I also taught band and English in China and have a Tefl. I have not found any listings for a job on the site I usually use, do you know of any good ones? I am currently in the states, but I’d love to move to Rome
Great work Rick, thanks very much.
Just want to confirm, as it seems to good to be true:)
1. with the proper certificate even if I currently speak NO Italian, I can secure a position?
2. will I be able to live a humble, self-supporting life on the wages?
Thanks so much!
Brooklyn, NY
Hi Rick,
I’m not a native english speaker, but would english schools hire me nontheless?
Yes, but… it will certainly be more difficult. As long as you speak better English than the person interviewing you for the job, you will be good enough!
I really liked your blog! It’s fantastic and helpful. I’m not a native speaker however I lived in England for few years and I got a TEFL Course. Currently, I’m an Au Pair in Rome. What do you think, what are my chances to get full time teaching job in Rome?
Thank you in advance for your answer!
Do you consult with potential English teachers that are contemplating certification and teaching in Rome. If so, will you send me some information. Your website is very informative but working with an expert such as yourself would be far more beneficial to me.
Steven H. Wilkins
[email protected]
Hello, Please give me information on any school that may be looking to hire an English teacher with a degree from the U.S. U.S. Navy veteran
Ciao Rick. Trawling through the internet to find a way to enter the teaching job market in Rome, I came across your Blog. Not only informative, but very, very funny. I moved here from Australia almost a year ago now – on a whim believe it or not – and, like everyone else, I’ve had my battles with bureaucracy – still do! (I dedicated a page on my blog to this, entitled “Hello Bureaucracy”). Alas, as far as getting work in my field is concerned, it’s like I don’t even exist. So, I decided to enter the world of teaching and started an online TESOL course; currently half the way through. I highly recommend this method but I did my research – there are many courses available and the depth of learning varies. I did a lot of reading and asked a lot of questions before I chose one. I’ve also taken on my first one-to-one student, which has been fun and good experience. By the way, do you really think we can charge 30 euro an hour for private lessons? I don’t think that people would pay it. Perhaps business people would…? There are just too many free or cheap online courses to compete with. That’s how I learned Italian, afterall!
Grazie, buona giornata and happy teaching…
Ciao Natalie, and congrats on your adventure! Yes, teaching English is by far the path of least resistance. For the record, I don’t do that anymore, I’ve since moved on to web branding and marketing. But in fact, I do teach those subjects, so my experience as a TEFL teacher has helped me in that regard.
As far as your rate, I know people who get even more than that, but you have to offer more than the standard “conversation” class to justify the higher fee. Besides the actual lessons, you really need to be a motivator and task master. You have to offer creative ways of learning and push your students to improve. Go the extra mile and be available to answer email questions, etc. In short, be demonstrably BETTER than the free/cheap stuff being offered. Good luck!!
Ciao Rick, thanks – adventure indeed. Certainly an exercise on how to be flexible!
Yes, I had a look at your services and perhaps I’ll be able to utilise them at some stage; I do have a couple of ideas.
Thanks for the tips; you’ve given me good food for thought.
Just discovered your blog. Want to add a comment. I’m 59 years old. I fell in love with Italian when I heard “Volare” on the radio; I was 5. I fell in love with Italy when I discovered her artists: Michelangelo, Leonardo and Caravaggio. I majored in Latin in school and uni-10 years and I did a semester in Rome-jr. year. To say I loved Italy is an understatement! I so wanted to live/work in Rome, but couldn’t find a job in my field (archaeology / Latin teacher). I got a Masters in ESL and still couldn’t find a job; I was told I had to be a resident of the EU to work there. So how easy is it for Americans to get jobs teaching English in Italy? Even now when I look at jobs posted on ESL websites, the jobs say “applicants with the appropriate legal status for employment in the EU preferred.”
Hi Gregory,
Well, the full answer is a bit complicated, but the short answer has to be broken down into two parts: 1) It is very easy to get an English teaching job in Italy, but; 2) Getting the visa is tricky…and you can’t really get the job until you have the visa.
Hi Rick,
I read Teaching English in Rome and I found it refreshingly unique and quite practical. I have never been to Rome but I’m drawn to the city. I have three master’s degrees: one in English which included a graduate level grammar class and practicum teaching English; one in teaching with a year teaching high school language arts and ESL; and one in science that included a public health project focused on a community with limited English skills. I was a licensed teacher for several years teaching English and language arts. Also, I have a great deal of tutoring experience in test preparation, English, etc. I have a tefl certificate in Business English. I’m wondering if I need to obtain another tefl certification to improve my chances of securing a position. I’m planning on moving to Rome in August and I’m worried that I will have trouble getting hired. I would appreciate any advice.
Kind Regards,
Karen Isabella Scott
Hi Karen, well, needless to say, you’re OVER qualified. No, I certainly wouldn’t worry about finding a job. Finding a good paying job is always a challenge, but you’ll get hired without a problem.
Just know that for most of August, many of the schools will be closed. Start applying the last week, because that’s when the rush to hire will begin.
Keep me posted–I’d love to hear about your experience. Ciao! Rick
Hi Rick! I have a question? My mother wants to learn English, lives in Rome can offer more details please phone number or where it might go? Thanks for your help!
Ciao! Wow, well there are TONS of English schools in Rome. I’ll send you a direct email with more info. A presto!
“liking” this very much, Rick – “bella figura” it is then
Si, fa’ una bella figura, mi raccomando!
Thank you for the information. I had been reading that the CELTA was a necessity to work in Italy. I am a dual citizen (US and Italy) and would like to teach English. I was trying to decide which course to take. Are you basically saying just find one and do it?
Hi Linda. No, you don’t need CELTA, a TEFL certification is fine for private language centers. Try this one in Florence:
As I am preparing to leave for Italy in April or May to teach English among other things, I found your article very valuable and encouraging as well, and I will definitely get your book too.
I really love your tips about European style resume. I am originally from France, but have lived in the US for 20 years, and I’ve worked as a recruiter for both the US and French Canada. As you’re saying resumes are quite different and may be a bit shocking for a US citizen, as they include very personal information.
It looks like Italy is really looking for English teachers, so even though I hear people say that’s a competitive market, your article gives me hope.
Sorry for the delay, Sylviane, I’m on the road in Romagna this week. I’m glad that you found my resources useful. One clarification: the market is competitive among the schools, not for the teachers. It’s not a question of finding a job, it’s a question of finding one that you like and treats you well. Best of luck to you. Rick
Hi Rick. I’ve really been enjoying your blog and appreciate all the helpful info. If you don’t mind my asking, what specific school did you use in order to receive your TEFL certification?
Hi Rick,
Great piece on teaching English in Rome. I’ve been living here for a few years and would like to start teaching. My question is what would make me more employable? CELTA or TEFL? I spoke with one school about Business English Training and they said CELTA because of the classroom experience. If TEFL online is good enough which one? has 40, 60, 80 and a 120 hour Master Diploma. Also there is 140 IDELT certificate. What would you recommend?
Hi Thomas. It sort of depends on your past experience, long-term goals, etc. But the short answer is that it doesn’t really matter. ANY certificate will do, and getting a “better” one will only marginally effect your chances of getting hired (it’s pretty easy, in any case), and it will have NO effect on your pay rate. Each school generally has a set budget for teachers’ pay and will hire according to that criteria, and will not usually adjust the pay to fit teacher qualifications. That’s been my experience, anyway. Hope it helps!
Thanks for responding. I don’t have any experience teaching English but i do have experience teaching music and I have owned my own small business for 20 years in NYC (I no longer work there and have relocated to Rome) so I have plenty of experience dealing with the public. I noticed all the jobs are looking for someone with experience and those aged 20 – 35. I am 49. It is something that I would like to do for the next 5 – 10 years but feel doubtful that I could find work due to my age and lack of experience.
Thomas, I’m the same age as you (well, 48) and I’ve had NO problems finding a teaching job in Rome. DON’T YOU DARE use that as an excuse!!
Thanks Rick!!!
next month*
Hi Rick,
My question is sort of the same as Sarah’s. I fell in love with Italy and more specifically Rome. I actually visited 5 times last year. I really want to teach english in Rome and I am getting my TEFL certification last month. I am thinking of getting a Holliday working visa just so I can get over there and begin looking for a job. I live in Canada and I was wondering if its easier to get a job first and then get a visa or do I have to move there with the holiday working visa first then find a job. Let me know your thoughts. Grazie!!
It’s a really good question, Desirae, and kind of a “Catch-22.” For teaching jobs, your chances of getting hired first are really zero. There’s just too many folks who’d want to do that, and plenty already in Rome. No reason whatsoever for a school to recruit abroad. On the other hand, it is technically against the rules to use a vacation visa to job hunt. I’m sure many do it, but you’re not supposed to. I’m not totally clear on the rules for Canadians, but I assume they are about the same as Americans. If you could get another type of visa (student visa, for example), you could use that to job hunt, as it IS legal to work part-time on a student visa.
Is teaching English without a degree an option? Can you teach with just the certificate you earn online, assuming your mother tongue is English?
Hi Jeremy. Oh, yes, most definitely. There are many EFL teachers without degrees…and sometimes they are the best ones. Experience and enthusiasm are probably the most important qualities to have (and of course you MUST be mother tongue…on this, the Italian schools are fairly inflexible). Remember, you are teaching people practical use of the language, and not an academic knowledge of it. That’s not to say that that an in-depth knowledge of linguistics and language acquisition wouldn’t be useful in some circumstances. But the overwhelming majority of schools just want to get their students actually speaking English asap, even if they can’t diagram a sentence or tell you what an object complement is.
Hi there, this maybe a silly question?! what standard of Italian do you need to have to start teaching English? I like the idea myself but my Italian is poor. thanks, enjoying the read
There are no silly questions, only MY silly answers! But honestly, you don’t NEED to speak any Italian. In fact, during the lessons you should avoid it entirely. However it does become useful when doing “administrative” tasks (scheduling, etc.). That said, don’t let your lack of Italian be the reason to avoid this path. It’s really a non-issue. Ciao!
Hi Rick,
I actually have a visa question. I want to teach English in Rome because I want to live in Rome and I don’t really know of another job that I could do as my Italian is not great (I studied abroad there in college as a film/writing major and cannot happily live anywhere else ever since). In most cases would you say with regards to teaching English in Rome, do I need to get a work visa before applying or do I need to have the job first in order to get the visa? I’ve been told its sort of both which leaves me I feel in a bit of a Catch22, I can’t get a job without a visa but can’t get a visa without a job. What would be your advice? For I am, sadly, not married to an Italian.
HI Rick,
Seriously thinking about taking my family (well, my 2 kids sans hubbie) to live in Rome for a year to get a taste for something new, after years in Paris. I teach English here at a private Engineering school. The pay is about 45 euors an hour to teach in a classroom setting. I know I can also make this teaching one on one. Is that teh case in Rome, or are you laughing your head off right now? What is going rate for teaching in Rome, and is the TEFL certaificate a way to make more? I have to support my family with a second job. This would be it.
Thanks for sharing your experience on this!
Hi Laura! Well, I’m not laughing my head off, but I am chuckling a little. Some teachers might make 45 euro an hour, but the average in Rome is closer to 12-13 when working at a private school. Yes, you can make twice as much teaching private lessons one on one, but it’s also a lot more work…trying to find students, etc. That said, not many do this for the money…it’s all about the experience. I’m sure you know this, but with 2 kids you need to consider the practical aspects, of course.
Hi Rick,
I did the on-line course and found it prepared me well to teach English in India. I was already a certified teacher with several years experience teaching English in the U.S. Thus, grammar and “how to teach” were not problems. I would love to teach English in Rome, but I doubt they would hire a grandmother.
Hi Carol, and thanks for the feedback. Good to hear from someone who has found the on-line option useful in some way. But you’re wrong about one thing: there are many schools in Rome that would be happy to hire someone with your experience. Being a “nonna” most certainly does NOT disqualify you!
“For example, back then I was enthusiastically documenting my battle against the evil forces of Italian bureaucracy. I don’t talk about that much anymore because, alas, they have won.”….LOL, Rick! That reminds me of my life in the Netherlands. I tried and tried in the beginning and then eventually realized that I needed to give up and just play by their stupid rules 😉
This is an absolutely awesome and extremely useful post that I will be sharing with people. Great work, Rick! Missed you at TBEX a couple weeks ago. Ciao!
Grazie! And thanks for sharing. I just read your post about TBEX…jealous! ( I’d love to go next year.
As always very interesting. Would it be possible for you to write to a blog on house hunting, both renting and buying in Rome with some guidance as to go about especially renting a decent apartment.
I wish I had read an article like this when I first dove into teaching. I’ve found what Rick said to be accurate in my experience as well. I tend to prefer private lessons however they can easily become unreliable as well.
I also second the request for a renting/buying blog piece. Obviously everyone has different needs and budgets, but I’ve found that so many newbie expats settle for really overpriced sub-standard accommodation because listings are, well… “different” nel bel paese. It wasn’t until my (Italian) boyfriend started pointing out all these things I’d have never though to look for or even ask (assuming they were standard things, bwa ha ha ha!) that I learned how to aggressively search. Just a thought. 🙂
Hi Sabine, hi Bellavia! I wrote an introductory piece on the topic of renting a few months ago ( but it’s certainly too basic for you two. And you’re right, this is a big obstacle and I need to address it more thoroughly. In my book, I do go a little deeper into the topic, but I should provide more info here on the blog.
I already have my next 3 or 4 posts planned, but I’ll start doing some more research and so hopefully I can get something written by the end of the year.
Thanks for the suggestion! Ciao!
Thanks for posting! Just today I started teaching here in Torino and felt great doing it so I was wondering how to add more private lessons to the roster… This helps. Thanks.
Your welcome! And good luck with your teaching. Private lessons can be great, but it always hard to keep a consistent schedule.
Excellent post. Very informative
Thanks Lyn!