October 20


Italian Pop Music

By Rick

October 20, 2017

Italians do many things very well.  The perfectly tailored suit, the high-performance automobile, and undoubtedly the best food in the world. And there was a time when we could add music to that list. Opera Lirica is known world-wide as the benchmark for vocal achievement, and the stars of opera train their voices with the same intensity that Andrea Pirlo works on his corner kick.

However much has changed in the Italian music scene in the 200 years since Verdi, Puccini, and Donazetti enthralled us with the arias of their bel canto style. Italian pop music of today pairs unimaginative melodies with overly sentimental lyrics making for a pretty unbearable combination.  That’s not to say that there aren’t a few exceptions, but I think the overall trend speaks for itself.

It seems that many Italians would agree. If you listen to popular radio stations such as Radio Kiss-Kiss or Virgin Radio, you’ll notice that more than half of the songs are in English. The same for the video music channel, RTL 102.5 FM, that plays in most bars. I hear more ‘80s British/American music in Italy than I do back in the States. (Which is cool for me, because I like that sound, and it reminds me of my university days—back when I had a mullet haircut and parachute pants.)

So let me quickly run down a list of the good, the bad, and the unbearable among Italian pop music stars. Actually, let’s go in reverse order, saving the best for last. This is of course one man’s opinion, but I’m willing to bet that if you subject yourself to one solid hour of non-stop Laura Pausini and Gigi D’Alessio, even Justin Bieber will actually start sounding good.


Italian Pop Music Stars of Yesterday and Today

[one_third_first]one of the italian pop music stars of today[/one_third_first][two_third_last]Gigi D’Alessio: The top notch of the unbearable. Started off as a clone of the more genuine Nino D’Angelo, he keeps alive the long, sad tradition of the neo-melodic singers; the modern artists who pretend to pay tribute to the classic Neapolitan sounds.  With awful results.[/two_third_last]

[one_third_first]eros sings popular music in italy[/one_third_first][two_third_last]Eros Ramazzotti: The man who learned to sing with just his nose.  He should be awarded a special prize for this unique talent—not a singing prize, however.  Better than a ventriloquist, but even more excruciating.[/two_third_last]

[one_third_first]laura pausini is one of the most popular stars of italian pop music[/one_third_first][two_third_last]Laura Pausini: One of the many wasted great voices.  Truth be told, she’s quite talented.  But who needs to hear over and over and over again how tragic the end of a love story is?  Kill me now.[/two_third_last]

[one_third_first]giorgia italian pop[/one_third_first][two_third_last]Giorgia: See Laura Pausini. With a few small bonus points for attempting to add a little jazz beat every once in a while.[/two_third_last]

[one_third_first]pooh music from italy[/one_third_first][two_third_last]Pooh: Referred to in the plural as i Pooh (the Pooh), as in shit, not the Disney character.  Now, I mean, seriously? Why would you call your band “shit?”  (Unless they’re trying to say colloquially that they are “THE shit!”  Somehow I doubt it.)  These guys are known for the impressive machinery and special effects that they first introduced at their concerts.  Unimaginable stuff for the modest Italian street-singers. Too bad that all they produced is some agonizing, sad, sad, sad, love songs.[/two_third_last]

[one_third_first]jovanotti sings popular italian rock music[/one_third_first][two_third_last]Jovanotti: Began singing in his twenties as a side gig to his primary job of boneheaded DJ.  He grew up, eventually, and improved a bit. Even switched his stage name back to his real name of Lorenzo Cherubini for a while. Overall he remains mediocre in both music and lyrics. A few years ago he moved to New York to try to catch the attention of the American audience.  Good luck with that, Lorezno.[/two_third_last]

[one_third_first]andrea bocelli sings a combination of opera and italian pop music[/one_third_first][two_third_last]Andrea Bocelli: Well, I’m sorry, americani, but this guy is actually the Barry Manilow of Italy.  I know we all love him and his romantic voice and his lyrics that we don’t understand.  But really, there’s nothing worse than a pseudo opera singer with a microphone torturing a duet of Besame Mucho with Celine Dion. Probably in a few more years he’ll have surpassed Barry Manilow on the cheesiness scale and will be approaching the likes of Liberace–SO kitschy that he might even be cool.[/two_third_last]

[one_third_first]zucchero italian muscian[/one_third_first][two_third_last]Zucchero: Started off as good, now fully deserves to be in the list of the intolerable.  Why do all the singers who decide to “grow up” feel the need to also become doleful?[/two_third_last]

[one_third_first]ligabue italian rock star[/one_third_first][two_third_last]Ligabue:  The man who has been writing the same song for the last 20 years.  Seriously, ever since his first album, all his songs sound exactly the same.  If you’ve already bought one of his albums, congratulations, you can rightly claim to know his full repertoire.[/two_third_last]

[one_third_first]vasco sings in italian [/one_third_first][two_third_last]Vasco Rossi: Do you need an easy quote?  All you have to remember to quote Vasco Rossi is, “Eh…”  Every line, every pause, every song.  “Eh…”  Still, there’s something oddly appealing about him.  His life philosophy?  Well, he was a young man who craved a life “like Steve Mac Queen” and “full of troubles,” according to one of his hit songs.  Well he got his wish.  In and out of jail—and rehab—he’s still singing and writing songs with his trademark lyric: “Eh…”[/two_third_last]

[one_third_first]litfiba the italian version of KISS[/one_third_first][two_third_last]LITFIBA: I’ve heard many swear that they’re good. But I just cannot understand them.  I’ve seen the lead singer attempting to look like the devil, or a clone of Gene Simmons’ damned soul, but in Italian. No, I can’t say that I love their sound…but pretty cool-looking, though.[/two_third_last]

[one_third_first]caruso by lucio dalla[/one_third_first][two_third_last]Lucio Dalla: He deserves respect for having been a long page of the Italian music panorama. I can appreciate his voice and some of his themes—sure as hell not his sunglasses.  But he holds a special place in my own heart.  When Demetra was still “nella pancia della mamma,” I used to always sing “Caruso” to her. Funniest thing—now, more than five years later, she turns up the radio whenever she hears that song. It makes my day.[/two_third_last]

[one_third_first]pino daniele is one of the best pop stars in italy today[/one_third_first][two_third_last]Pino Daniele: Good. Really good. A blues lover and talented songwriter coming from the poorest neighborhood of Naples, singing about his hometown and his people. He can be forgiven the not-so-occasional cheesiness.[/two_third_last]

Let’s take a vote!

So…who gets your vote for the most intolerable? Italians, I want to hear from you, too. And who are some of the bright stars of Italian pop music today? Honestly, I don’t know and I’d love to have some suggestions from all walks of life and all musical tastes.

Now if you’ll excuse, I need to get going.  I don’t want to be late for the Justin Bieber concert tonight.

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About the author

Living in the Caput Mundi and trying to decipher Italian culture for the English speaking world.

  • Love all the comments above speshly bout Bocelli whom I think is first and foremost a pop singer who can alter his voice and do bit of opera. Compared with Pavarotti no contest in the opera stakes. Overall with a few exceptions italian pop music is awful.

  • So Winnie the Pooh is “Winnie the shit..”? anyway… songs by IT band I Pooh are not properly “love” songs beside the lyrics can suggest that… or, very few of them are love songs. If you listen their lyrics they talk morely about “social” themes. I.E. 1976’s LP “poohlover”, the tracks are: “Il primo giorno di libertà” it talks about a man who exit the prison and has to restart to live in society; “Gitano” talks about immigration (a refugee who went to Italy…. it’s written in 1976 and the thems is so actual nowdays, isn’t it???); “Pierre” it’s talk about a gay guy, it’s a song against the prejudice and discrimination on gay people (we are in 1976 again!!! where were US or UK singers on this topic in 70’s????); 4) “Tra la stazione e le stelle” (between the rail station and the stars) it talk about prostitution (..not a love song)…

    • Thanks, Federico. Those are great insights. Yes, admittedly it’s difficult for a foreigner to appreciate the social commentary within a culture that is not his/her own. So I’m glad you stopped by to give more depth to my silly reviews. Ciao!

  • Thank you for the list of pop musicians in Italy. But, I have to say I disagree with your assessment of Laura Pausini. Don’t take things too seriously! Very easy music to listen to and GREAT to learn Italian with.

    • I WASN’T being serious! In fact that’s sort of my point: it’s tough to take any of these musicians seriously. Ha, ha… But yes, not a bad supplemental exercise to practice Italian. Grazie, Kathryn!

  • I was at a wedding in Calabria and this young kid got up and KILLED IT on a Pearl Jam song. He sang with karaoke tracks but he was great. I am not familiar with Italian singers in general except for Lucio Dalla whom I love because of Caruso. On Bocelli, I just never got it with him. Yes he is a good singer but I have heard so many that were nailing it that got no attention.

  • I have listened to a few of the vocalists you have listed and walked away thinking I was tone deaf or my tastes have changed through the years. Zucchrro is awful, Laura yells, then talks through some of her recordings. And there is some guy whose name I think is Pauolo Conte…..jazz really?? Tell some of our leading Jazz musicians here or anywhere in the world. He does one recording, Sono Italiano. Maybe he should keep that to himself
    I have not listened to all of the vocalists you have listed, but I’ll take your word.

  • For this expat, on the other side of the “pond”, the songs by Francesco Guccini are the only ones that approach the intensity of the US classic folk/protest songs.
    I find it odd that you didn’t list him at all, good, bad or indifferent.
    Other than that, and for the little I know and have heard, I agree with most of your (very sad) evaluation of current Italian music. Pity, isn’t it?

  • OMG, I am late to this party (your blog), but I am really enjoying it! When I read your take on Andrea Bocelli I knew I had to join in the dancing! He is a horrible singer! A boyfriend once gave me gifts for all the senses for Christmas, roses for scent; chocolate for taste, etc.; he gave me a Boccelli cd for hearing and I had to break up with him. I couldn’t trust anyone who thought Bocelli could sing!

  • Passione? What is it? Must check on Google.

    P.S. Obviously as you mentioned actual pop singers only, I deliberately avoided those who are great in ’70/’80s like Cocciante and Umberto Tozzi, or even dead as the immense poor Battisti.


  • I dunno why none mentioned of Matia Bazar that was one of the best italian music groups of all times…

    And sure none of you seems aware of pop satire political and amusing artists like “Elio e le storie tese” and apulian singer “Caparezza”.

    Max Gazzè also wrote some very light and almost pretty songs.

    And in the end in the eighties and nineties we had great singers like Antonello Venditti and Baglioni whose songs nowadays are almost canceled by radio playlists but still singed by young people.

    In Naples we had not only Pino Daniele but also Eduardo and Eugenio Bennato and Teresa De Sio..Eduardo sings in italian pop and political songs while Eugenio Bennato and Teresa De Sio exploring ancient neapolitan music contaminating it with new melodies and rythms from africa, so made the same groups like 99 Posse and 24 grana (Although I do not like these last two).

    For the italian singers and groups singing in english then I must sure signal of prog/indie/metal rock group Lacuna Coil.
    Well, it is rock, not pop music, but they deserve a mention.


    • Wow, thanks Raffaele! I appreciate that you added some very useful suggestions to my silly, sarcastic review. I’m going to mention those groups to my wife….I’ll bet she’s familiar with most (if not all) of them. Have you seen the film “Passione?” If so, what did you think?

  • Hi Rick, I’ve been reading your blog for some weeks and this is the best post I’ve read so far :-)))
    Well let me say that if you have listened only to those singers, you have been pretty unlucky 😀 If you want to listen to the best Italian music you have to almost completely discard pop singers.

    Have you ever listened to some songs by Area (one of the best Italian rock band of all times)? Their singer, Demetrio Stratos (actually Greek-born) is in my opinion the best singer of the last century… for example listen to “Gioia e rivoluzione”, one of their best songs 🙂

    I suggest also to listen to some songs by Diaframma (a rock band of which I am a great fan, I have took part to their gigs 5 times in the last 2 years)… during the 80s they were mostly “new wave” and now they are doing a very nice and soft punk rock, kind of glamorous too 🙂 But there are a lot of bands… CCCP, PFM for example… and obviously, talking about our “cantautori”, the great Fabrizio De Andrè: his “Creuza de mä” album (actually in Genoese dialect) is one of the masterpieces of Italian music of all times… 🙂 Let me know what you think 🙂

    PS: hope to meet you at TBDI this autumn 🙂

  • Oh dear! All my old favourites!! However, when I visited Italy as a tourist, before I moved here permanently, I bought every piece of music I heard: “What’s that tune?” I’d demand of bemused shop assistants in the old days. Now I rarely listen to them, though I still LOVE Zuccero.

    • Ha, ha,…yes, I’ve done the same thing; using music to help learn the language. Anyway, I was just having a little fun…Italian Pop is an easy target for ridicule. 🙂

  • Thank you for confirming what I had already suspected. While in Italy, I noticed that I heard a lot of pop music, especially ’80’s while dining out. There even seemed to be a TV station dedicated to pop videos. It would seem that if I want to hear Italian music in a restaurant, I have to visit an Italian restaurant here in Canada. However, I would much rather be in any restaurant in Rome even if I have to listen to American pop music. Salute!

    • Good point! Yes, it’s true in the US, too…the “Italian” restaurants play everything from classic Neapolitan songs to the awful modern pop in an effort to add a little ambiance, I suppose. The food, however, often disappoints.

      • I was in Germany in january 2000, and even true italian restaurants (managed by real italian and serving real italian cooking -my collague was not in the mood to experiment local cuisine….sigh-) always had the worst italian music running 24h/24 (Albano & Romina Power mostly).

        Some of that guys were even younger than me, so i asked WHY, for the love of God, there was that music, and they answered that “locals “expect” it, is part of the stereotype….exactly like when we go in Texas; we want to see Stetson hats” (his words 🙂 )

        • VERY good point…a business would be making a big mistake by not catering to the expectations of their customers (even by pandering to stereotypes). The ones that try too hard to be 100% authentic inevitably fail…not for lack of quality, but by failing to listen to their customers.

  • Eheh…. i enjoy looking at my country with the eyes of a stranger. I actually read a good number of blogs made by english or american expats 🙂
    But while i mostly agree with everything i read, this time i felt the need to reply.
    Now, tastes are personals and i won’t discuss them but let me address some of your point (everything in a friendly manner, if my bad english does not “pass” my friendly mood).
    – About Vasco Rossi, saying that it was once a drug addicted and he put “eehh” in every verse is like saying that Michael Jackson was beaten when it was a kid and he do that “rythm breathing” he “trademakerd” every four bars. VR was a bit of revolutionary when it started, had his peak in the late ’90 and ealry ’00 (some lyrics wrote by him are true poetry) and now he’s becoming old and uninspired. Sure, he’s not a singer known for his incredible voice, but much more for what he says. I’d suggest to listen carefully to the lyrics and you’ll see how to paint an emotions with the less quantity of words possible.
    – Same about Lucio Dalla: he alwasy was a precursor of the music you’ll hear in 2 years. Also great poetry. I see how his music could not catch averyone person, but he’s worth some listening.
    – Lorenzo Jovanotti: i don’t like more than an half of what he does, but imho he’s one of the best innovative writer in italy (and for what i know, also in the world); he found his own way to do experiments with music, cultures, genres and instruments…. i mean: i never failed to recognize him even when the songs is only instrumental, and i never heard someone else and said “hey, this is like Jovanotti”.
    – Pooh: when they comed out, they were truly innovative: great choirs, a bit of rock arrangment, all over “classic” italian melodies performed by true musicians. I don’t like them as well, but they just were unique, original and really POPular.

    About our folk music, this is my opinion: Italy is so old that each region have his distinctive folk music (most famous perhaps is the Tarantella). But these genres are so old that can’t work in pop music: this is why they are a real small niche in our everyday music. Very few were able to bring these ancient tones and rhytm to the mainstream (De Andrè, mostly).
    After this, before the english/american invasion (the Beatles, Presley, Rolling Stones etc) all “pop” music were much more like Operetta than “songs” (Luciano Tajoli – Balocchi e profumi, Ferruccio Tagliavini – Voglio vivere così)…. this also explains why Laura Pausini, Giorgia, Ramazzotti all sings these melodic line over and over: it’s our heritage. We had some good prog-rock groups (Area, PFM) and some good modern rock group (Negrita) but in the end we imported rock, blues, dance and pop like the US imported pizza 🙂

    I hope that this all make some sense…. i tried my best.

    • Hi Parduz! In fact, you made a lot of sense…along with some great points. Regarding Vasco, I actually like him (more than I like Micheal Jackson, in fact) and you’re right, my “criticisms” were a bit unfair–but really I was just trying to be funny. As far as folk music, I enjoy folk music from many countries, perhaps as much from a cultural/heritage point of view than musical. But in Italy, the music is good, too, in my opinion, even if it isn’t what I listen to on a daily basis. In the end, my blog is just my opinion and I always appreciate more informed opinions like yours–please feel free to comment any time. Grazie!!

  • I LOVE Barry Manilow, as well as Bocelli (and I understand the lyrics), as well as Fabrizio DeAndre and Gino Paoli. Yes, the lost love theme is quite hackneyed, but I don’t listen for that. I admit I like the overproduced songs (with the exception of Besame Mucho) with the catchy melodies (though not Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga) sung by people with beautiful voices, but then I also admit that while learning the guitar my teacher made me listen to and learn jazz, and I did, but all I really wanted to do was sing and play James Taylor tunes. Just another perspective.

    Also, I get what you’re saying Rick about the radio there. A few years back on the way up to my grandparents village, which I would be seeing for the first time, my guides tried to get an Italian song on the radio to enhance the mood (though it really wasn’t necessary–the mood was magical all by itself). It seemed all the songs at that moment were in English.

    I wish I could be there with you.

    • Hey Paul, and sorry for the delay in responding. And I appreciate your perspective and the input from your experiences. As I’m sure you detected, I was being a bit cheeky and didn’t really mean to “criticize” so much as be critical, if that makes sense. In my blog I always try to take a slightly different approach instead of recycling the same old sentiments–like a hackneyed Italian pop singer!!

  • Cerchi queste canzoni che la radio non passerà mai:
    Francesco De Gregori: Bambini venite parvolos
    Fabrizio De Andre: Princesa
    Franco Battiato: Gesualdo da Venosa.

    Poi mi dica sinceramente cosa ne pensa.

  • I don’t agree with much you said. Doesn’t matter. I have listened longer than you, but I see them as balladeers, which by the nature of the country are called pop singers, ballads being what’s popular.

    • Yes, of course it’s only one man’s personal taste–and I’m not even a professional music critic. I merely one of many who wish for something more genuine than the same recycled sentimentality. Which often comes from very talented voices, unfortunately.

  • Great post! I generally dislike pop music in general but Italian pop really takes the cake. I agree with most of what you said … not all. Yes even if Ligabue seems to have been recycling the same music for years his lyrics are quite ironic and particularly with his latest stong ‘sale delle terra’ he is really digging into the dark part of the Italian character.
    I have loved Zucchero but he seems to be getting a little tired over the past few years, ever since he went off to Cuba to record an album he hasn’t been quite the same since (lord knows what else he did over in Cuba!?!?)
    Lucio Dalla’s classic Italian folk stuff is untouchable (Piazza Grande has a special place in my heart). The others on your list are terrible!
    I don’t mind a little Cesare Cremonini, but I can’t remember the titled of any of his songs.
    There is a lot of recycling going on in Italian pop, Noemi seems to be a mash up of Mina and La Mannoia. The cugini di campagna were like the Italian Bee Gees, while Adriano Celentano used to perform a lot of early pop/rock stuff back in the 1960’s.
    Gianna Nannini has a unique voice very harsh but emotive but you either love her or hate her.
    Nina Zilli seems to be a watered down Amy Winehouse.
    Arisa who won San Remo a few years ago has a great voice but very old fashioned sound.
    Then there is Italian rap which gives me the creeps (the most famous being J-ax).
    Don’t get me started on the winners of Amici (like Emma and Valerio Scanu) and did you see who won the Voice of Italy …

    • Thanks for the great comments…good to hear from someone who actually knows what they’re talking about (unlike me). I agree with you…pop in any language/country is way too commercial to have any musical merits. Maybe the occasional single, but the overall genre is just bad.

  • Great review…and brave. Wonder what the Italian will say? I do love the fact that most all Italians love to sing…just watching game shows like Reazione a Catena or L’Eredita…they can all break out into song and the audience will all know the lyrics. Amazing. Wonder what you think of oldies like Paolo Conti and even Giuni Russo? (just for justifcation of your blog on this topic, take a look at Tale e Quale show–porco cane!!!!)

    • Hey Sharon! Thanks so much for the comments. So far, most Italians seem to agree with me, although there’s no accounting for taste. 🙂 No, I don’t know the oldies…in fact, I barely know the newbies. I only know that when I turn on the radio, I usually cringe straight away. Ciao!

  • Wow, that’s an impressive list of Italian warblers whom you find annoying. I don’t know all of them, but from what I hear of contemporary Italian music, I’d agree with you. I’m more familiar with the singers from the 1960s-70s when my family moved back to Italy for a while and from going to Italian social clubs here in Australia where the music was interpreted by local singers. Used to listen to a lot of Gigliola Cinquetti, Bobby Solo (what a heartthrob he was!), Celentano, Gianni Morandi, Rita Pavone, Patty Pravo and later during the protest movement – Giorgio Gaber etc.

    • Aww, well, I was just having a bit of fun with them. But I think that the overall trend is, in fact, pretty bad. I’ve never heard of any of the singers that you named, but they must have been better than today’s “artists!” Ciao!

  • Wow, you guys missed out on the 80s San Remo Festival–each gig was worse than the last (like tossup: *Porca Miseria* La Barca Non Va Più or Il Ballo del QuaQua). Utterly excruciating but so unbelievably naff as to not be missed.

    • Ha, ha…sounds like fodder for a future post. Was there really a band named *Porca Miseria*?? Love it. Sorry I missed out. Thanks so much for the great comment!

  • When I lived in Italy 40 years ago I hated the pop music. It all sounded the same and was terrible…and it still sounds the same today. Pop music and television are 2 things that Italians should stop doing immediately.

    • Oh, good point! And you’ve inspired me for a future post on bad television shows! Regarding the TV/Movies, however, I will say that I never ceased to be impressed by the talents of “doppaggio.” Seriously, those folks are really good…half the time I’m not even sure if they are dubbing or not!

      • Yes, TV is pretty dire, especially what you loosely might call “investigative journalism” where they try and fathom out where a missing person has disappeared to, or who murdered whom. Cut to very serious presenter standing in a field clutching microphone and talking in hushed tones, that kind of rubbish lol. That and the melodramatic drama series they put on. Impossibly good looking characters all double dealing eachother. Great!!

  • Am i wrong, or is there a “zero” folk/traditional scene in Italy? Where are the Dylans and the Seegers, and the Guthries of Italy? Where is the music of the risorgimento? American pop singer wannabes are going to come and go, but where is the musical history?

    • Try Fabrizio de André for folk. Also gone (from the music scene, not actually dead) but not forgotten, Teresa de Sio who sang Neapolitan stuff but not the usual O Sole Mio crap, pretty good. It’s there but you have to dig around for it.

    • I think you’re right in that those types of musicians maintain more of a cult following and don’t get much (if any) radio play. They exist, though. I would put Pino Daniele in that category…a real song writer and not just a commercial act.

  • It’s the trend of singing in a husky voice that gets to me. Perhaps they all have laryngitis! Modà are pretty good if you like pop where you can understand the lyrics and most of them make sense! A teeny bit over dramatic at times however ….

    • True, never thought about the husky voice syndrome! I’ll check out Moda’, even if they’re a bit over-dramatic…no band is perfect. 😉 Grazie, Cristina!

  • You could add Tiziano Ferro and Marco Mengoni too Rick, although I think TF would be in your sugary sentimental pile! I love him though cos I’m a slushy old romantic!! Great run down of everyone though, thanks! Lizzie

    • Thank you, Lizzie. And yes…TF almost made the list only because a few summers ago a song of his, “La differenza tra me e te” got stuck in my head and I couldn’t get it out! Grazie ancora! Rick

    • Tiziano works his ass off live, so points for that. Concerto in florence a few years ago, 20+ songs and changef clothes at least 8 times. Which sounds cheesy, but he at least put up for the money. And now ive got the earworm La differenza tra me e te”! Ahhhhhh

  • Cesare Cremonini is a rising star in Italian pop music- check out his new album Logico (I’m sure you’ve heard the single on the radio): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QBjN7dGgOc. His big influence is the Beatles and his music doesn’t center around the usual Italian theme of lost love. Also don’t discount Malika Ayane- her music style is quirky and her voice divine. I just wish Italian radio played more of these artists. Happy listening!

    • Lauren, you’ve delivered exactly what I was hoping for: a few bright spots in the sea of sentimentality! Thanks so much for sharing!

  • Ok so this isn’t a vote but a comment about your singing to Demetra. When I was pregnant for Kathryne I used to watch Jeopardy and to this day 28 yrs later this is one of her favourite tv program!! And she’s so smart she wins often against me. Well a lot actually lol.

    • Yes, there’s something mystical in the prenatal condtioning. Therefore, maybe D would have been better off with Jeopardy than my singing!!

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