May 14


FCI 003 – Getting Engaged In Italy With Georgette Jupe

By Rick

May 14, 2015

getting engaged in italy with georgette jupeAhhh, Firenze! What could be more romantic than getting engaged in Italy, right? The perfect place to propose to the love of your life. What a great memory!

Well, yes, but it might take a little planning. After all, you wouldn’t necessarily want a gaggle of Japanese tourists staring at you and taking photos of your special moment. Could be awkward if you suddenly became more picture-worthy than the statue of David in the Piazza della Signoria.

Never fear, my friend Georgette Jupe (aka “The Girl in Florence”) has all you Romeos covered. She has positioned herself as the online version of a crash-test dummy, making all the little missteps and battling with the Italian bureaucracy so that you don’t have to.

You see, Georgette recently got engaged to her boyfriend and fellow expat Nico. But Nico is from France, not the US, so her world is truly international, making the entire wedding process that much trickier. So yes, while Nico’s family is in France and Georgette’s in Texas, they’ve decided to get married later this year in their adoptive hometown of Florence. I’m sure it’s going to be a great wedding, and I couldn’t be happier for them both.

Georgette and I have been friends and co-conspirators in an Italy blogger group called COSÌ for over a year now. We also both had the privilege to attend TBDI (Travel Blogger Destination Italy) in Rimini last October where we met with travel industry influencers, and shared social media tips over shellfish and white wine in the seaside town of Cesenatico.georgette jupe girl in florence getting engaged in italy

But enough about us. More importantly, what can YOU learn in this episode?

Getting Engaged in Italy

In the podcast, Georgette gives lots of great suggestions regarding the perfect romantic location to pop the big “domanda.” In fact, on her blog she’s narrating the entire process in an ongoing series, with the title and hashtag #MyTuscanWedding, so that you can follow along step by step on Twitter. The first of these posts, Where to Propose in Florence, coincidentally (or not) aligns perfectly with this podcast.

A Reader’s Question

Coincidentally (and this time I mean it), a reader of my blog sent me a wedding related question about a day or two after my interview with Georgette. Since it’s probably something that others have wondered about, I thought I’d share it here:

“A distant relative in Italy daughter is getting married in June.  What is the common practice for acknowledging it if you cannot be there?”

Georgette’s answer:

We actually covered this in ITALY Magazine here:

The general protocol is that when you receive a formal invitation with an RSVP indication, you are required to let the sender of the invitation know, as soon as possible, if you will be attending the ceremony and send a written reply.

A reader (Margaret) offered this simple and concise alternative:

Gentilissimi (name of the bride + name of the groom),

Siamo davvero dispiaciuti di non poter partecipare al vostro matrimonio.


Georgette Jupe

I would like to give a big “GRAZIE” once again to Georgette for generously sharing all her suggestions with me. (*NOTE* This podcast episode and all others are now available on iTunes. Please subscribe if you have a moment and leave an honest review.)

Here’s the place near the Duomo where she and Nico went for their “after proposal” dinner:

Osteria dell’Olio

And she suggested this lovely place, as well at Villa Bardini:

La Leggenda dei Frati

You can find her on her website…, where you’ll find her suggestions for romantic locations in Florence


And click the link to check out other episodes and see my list of the best podcasts about Italy.


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About the author

Living in the Caput Mundi and trying to decipher Italian culture for the English speaking world.

  • Thank you Margaret, in fact I wasn’t too sure about the response because the article that we did for ITALY Magazine was about saying yes. Saying your are excited to not go is indeed a bit awkward. Woops guys! In any case, I am more than happy to share any non-Italian-word related advice for weddings in Italy :). Thank you so so much Rick for this article, It was a lot of fun and I know we will be chatting soon!

  • The Italian response to the wedding invitation is not good. Should be something like this: Siamo davvero dispiaciuti di non poter partecipare al vostro matrimonio. What you wrote- the part with the lieti in it – conveys the message that you are pleased that you won’t be able to be at the wedding. LOL.

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